The Association of Hospital Instrumentation Technicians (VZI) is a professional association with a large number of healthcare professionals. Within VZI, the MAMI professional section is active, which stands for Management of Medical Instrumentation. They ensure that there is sufficient attention to specific sub-areas. As part of this, a professionalization trajectory has been initiated in collaboration with Saxion FabLab, focusing on teaching the basic principles of the software program Fusion 360 for 3D designing and 3D printing. This custom workshop is accredited with 8 points in the VZI quality register.
Over the course of 2 days, on-site lessons were delivered by Dion Zwakenberg, a lecturer researcher at Saxion Research Group Industrial Design & FabLab.
Thursday, March 24 – Day 1: Covered the basic principles of the Fusion 360 software, with some medical examples (e.g., MRI images).
Thursday, April 14 – Day 2: Included a question and answer session based on the first day. Creating a personal design in Fusion 360 was a key focus.
After a joint conclusion in the Saxion FabLab, we reflect on a successful workshop and look forward to welcoming more healthcare professionals to our LAB in the future!