Saxion FabLab Enschede is a non-profit organization. We offer our machines, software, knowledge, and expertise at a realistic price. Below, the costs per machine, as well as assistance costs, are outlined. All prices include 21% VAT. Unfortunately, cash payments are not possible. The starting fee is €5 per transaction.
3D Printing
Standard materials on our Ultimakers and Prusa printers are PLA. Other options are available upon request, including PP, ABS, TPU, Woodfill, Nylon, PVA, PET, etc. Various color choices are also available.
Different prices apply for non-standard materials.
Standard filament | € 0.32 per gram |
Support material | € 0.32 per gram |
Material standard resin | € 1.02 per gram |
Support Material* | *price as main material |
Other Materials | available only on request |
3D Scanners
The prices for the 3D Scanners are listed below. All prices include VAT.
Revopoint Miraco 3D Scanner | € 0.50 per minute |
Einscan Pro 3D Scanner | € 0.50 per minute |
Laser Cutting and/or Engraving:
€1,- per minute
The material prices for laser cutting are listed below per sheet. All prices include VAT.
Product | Costs |
Cardboard 1,2mm | € 0.95 per sheet |
Cardboard 1,75mm | € 1.40 |
Cardboard 2mm | € 2.15 |
Cardboard 2,4mm | € 2.15 |
Cardboard 3mm | € 3.50 |
Acrylate 3mm clear | € 15.45 |
Acrylate 3mm white | € 16.25 |
Acrylate 3mm black | € 16.25 |
Acrylate 3mm color* | € 22.50 |
Acrylate 4mm clear | € 19.90 |
Acrylate 4mm white | € 21.90 |
Acrylate 4mm black | € 21.90 |
Acrylate 4mm color* | € 27.50 |
Acrylate 5mm clear | € 25.00 |
Acrylate 5mm white | € 27.50 |
Acrylate 5mm black | € 27.50 |
Acrylate 6mm clear | € 29.70 |
Acrylate 6mm white | € 31.25 |
Acrylate 6mm black | € 31.25 |
Acrylate 6mm color* | € 30.00 |
Acrylate 8mm clear | € 38.15 |
Acrylate 8mm white | € 41.90 |
Acrylate 8mm black | € 41.90 |
Acrylate 8mm color* | € 43.75 |
Multiplex 3mm – 60x40cm | € 4.93 |
Multiplex 3mm – 80x60cm | € 9.86 |
Multiplex 3mm – 120x80mm | €19.71 |
Multiplex 6mm – 60x40cm | € 8.06 |
Multiplex 6mm – 80x60cm | € 16.12 |
Multiplex 6mm – 120x80cm | € 32.24 |
*MDF 3mm 70x40cm | € 2.40 |
*MDF 4mm 70x40cm | € 2.50 |
*MDF 6mm 70x40cm | € 3.20 |
*MDF 3mm 120x80cm | € 6.50 |
*MDF 4mm 120x80cm | € 7.50 |
*MDF 6mm 120x80cm | € 9.50 |
*MDF can only be used while stocks last. |
Metal, PVC, and Teflon are not processed with the laser at Saxion FabLab Enschede!
Roland TrueVis Print & Cut Machine
The material prices for the Roland Print & Cut are listed below.
Roland Truevis – material ink | € 1.07 per CC |
Roland Truevis – material sticker | € 3.21 per meter |
Roland Truevis – material vinyl color | € 5.85 per meter |
Heat transfer material including transfer | € 17.00 per meter |
Roland Truevis – material paper | € 3.65 per meter |
Roland Truevis – material banner | € 3.25 per meter |
Roland Truevis – material static foil | € 4.65 per meter |
Roland Truevis – material special | € 1.21 per meter |
Within the Saxion FabLab, there is a ShapeOko milling machine. CNC milling is a labor-intensive and potentially hazardous technique.
For this reason, users can only operate these machines under the guidance of a FabLab expert. The associated costs are €80 per hour, plus machine usage €0.12 per cm2, and material costs.
If you would like to use the milling machine, please contact us at so that we can explore the possibilities for a milling assignment together.
The Milling Process
In collaboration with the FabLab expert, your design will be reviewed, optimized if necessary, and prepared for milling. The machine will be operated by a FabLab staff member based on your instructions; you will not operate it yourself. Designs are first checked for ‘machinability’, considering specific design requirements such as milling diameter, milling depth, and material type.
Users must provide their own material. The milling machine can process materials such as MDF, plywood, laminated plywood, foam boards, and various types of wood. If you wish to use materials other than these, we can discuss the feasibility.
Never leave the machine unattended.
Startup costs, including: 1) Checking digital file for millability; 2) Milling files created in V-Carve or Partworks3D; 3) Material clamping; 4) Determining and warming up the milling machine 0-point. | Costs on request* |
PCB milling (LPKF, single or dual sided) | € 0.12 per cm2 |
Shapeoko – CNC Mill | € 0.67 per minute |
Roland MDX 50- CNC Mill | € 0.67 per minute |
Wazer Waterjet Cutter
The prices for the WAZER Waterjet Cutter are listed below. All prices include VAT.
Contact us to talk about the possibilities to use the wazer waterjet cutter.
Aluminium 1mm – 30×45 cm€ 9,01 per sheet
Aluminium 1,5mm – 30×45 cm€ 11,45 per sheet
Aluminium 2mm – 30×45 cm€ 13.65 per sheet
Wazer Waterjet Cutter | € 0.40 per minute |
Roland Versa UV
The prices for the Roland Versa UV are listed below. All prices include VAT.
Roland Versa UV – material ink | € 3.75 per CC |
€55,- per hour
Saxion FabLab Enschede is an environment where you primarily work on your own projects. However, there are always student-assistants ready to assist wherever needed. For instance, we can help operate the machines, refine a design, or provide design and material tips.
Hiring Professionals
€80,- per hour
In the FabLab, we have a good amount of know-how in design, development, and rapid prototyping. If you have a project where you think our experience could help, don’t hesitate to reach out.
Hiring Expertise
Ask for a quote
Within the FabLab and the Industrial Design research group, our team, enriched with a wealth of knowledge in design, development, and rapid prototyping, includes individuals with Ph.D. expertise. If you have a project where you would like to leverage this expertise, feel free to contact us to schedule a consultation.